David and I cut the conversation a little short but not before he relayed the good news/bad news. Good news is that he's coming to Oregon in another week and a half. Bad news is that it isn't really to see us. He started dating this very nice girl, Kimberly, over the summer and is coming over the long weekend to see her. She goes to college at Western Oregon in Monmouth and he doesn't know if the plans for the weekend include a trip to Newport or not. He wisely lets her do the planning, - just as it should be, lol. Hopefully we'll be able to meet them for lunch in Albany or something. She's very worried that we'll be offended but, of course, we're not. This is an unexpected opportunity for us to see him too and we certainly understand how it is trying to make a long-distance relationship work. We did it ourselves for over a year. Anyway, he's settled in at his dorm at UCF in Orlando and enjoying having a kitchen (although he did mention it's not so much fun when he actually has to cook his own food). He likes his roommate and has a class at 9:30. Yes, folks, that would be A.M.! That really cuts into his beauty sleep but he enjoys the class so much he's motivated to actually attend even though it is so "early". He was sure to give me his address so that I would have no problems sending him a care package if I was so inclined. I guess I'd better get busy with the brownies and chocolate chip cookies if I don't want him to waste away to nothing.